Google Algorithm Update Series 3 –  Outsmarting Fred: Avoiding the Low-Quality Content Trap and Building a Sustainable SEO Strategy

Outsmarting Fred: Avoiding the Low-Quality Content Trap

It was 2017, and a silent storm swept across the SEO community. That was Google algorithm update dubbed Codenamed Fred. Just anyone clutching outdated tactics for SEO got the spine-tingling feeling by the end of it all. Thin content, doorway pages, and affiliate schemes spams were a thing of the past. Fred took UX to heart and served a few sites that are providing real value to people. Being an SEO expert Dubai, I knew that this was no glitch for a day. This was a wake-up call: a very urgent message from Google to the world at large, “Quality Content is the Lifeblood of SEO.”

The Demise of Thin Content Farms

Before Fred came around, there were spam websites that churned out inordinately large amounts of worthless content. Many such articles were spun or web scraped from other sources-thereby lacking value, creativity, and purpose, apart from gaming the search engine’s algorithm and snatching an unsuspecting search traffic. As things go, short-term wins were achieved, and it was with Fred, after all, that that house of cards came tumbling down.

Fred’s update was starting to mark sophisticated algorithms that had the ability to detect thin content at their work. Content depth and uniqueness, in addition to its ability to engage users, rose up into prominence. All low-value content-selling sites went up in smoke, their pages pushed down the search result lines.

Building a Content Moat: Strategies for High-Value Content Creation

So, how do we avoid the Fred trap and build a sustainable SEO strategy based on high-value content? Here are some key approaches I implemented for my clients:

  • Content Pruning: We conducted ruthless content audits to identify and eliminate thin content that offered no value to the user. This involved analyzing content length, originality, and engagement metrics. Content that couldn’t be improved or repurposed was shown the door.
  • Content Refresh: Refresh dated content to make it relevant and credible in this changing digital world. For example, update statistics, find newer research, or current trends within the niche.
  • Value Proposition: We made sure each piece of content clearly defined value proposition for the user. We asked ourselves what problem does this content solve? What information gap is it filling? We treated user intent as our guide in content creation.
  • E-A-T: Building Trust and Expertise Building Credibility and Authority We based our content strategy on E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This was done through industry thought leaders’ content, original research, and data-driven insights. Demonstrating expertise, we established trust with users and signaled to Google that our content deserved a top spot in search results.

Fred: A Catalyst for Change

Fred shook the SEO world. It brought a fundamental shift towards creating content that was of quality and user-centric. I believe what Fred is here to do is not something short-term; the long-term impact of Fred lies in the following:

  • Sustainable SEO: It creates quality content, thus a sustainable SEO strategy. Quality content ranks high initially but keeps attracting organic traffic with time..
  • Building Brand Authority: Informational and trustworthy content, therefore, creates brand authority while positioning the website as the thought leader in a given niche; this way, brand loyalty increases and eventually digital marketing success.
  • The User at the Center: Fred reminds that SEO essentially boils down to catering to a user. Creating content with the intention of solving people’s problems eventually leads to long-term success in the field of SEO and by extension a user base.

With changing algorithms from Google, a fundamental principle set by Fred endures: low-value content is an SEO catastrophe in the making. Using high-value content creation with emphasis on user experience, the SEO professional will craft sites that can survive even a constantly shifting digital horizon.


The Outsmarting Fred: Avoiding the Low-Quality Content Trap series will have well-equipped you for creating high-quality content, which the Google algorithms are so fond of. Just remember, SEO is not a sprint; it is a marathon. Focus continually on creating valuable content to be engaged with by your target audience, and you shall be well on your path to building a sustainable strategy for SEO that will definitely outperform competition.

Do not get too cozy, though. Algorithms are constantly changing at Google, and the evolution is continuous. You need to know about the latest SEO trends and best practices to keep the algorithms from evolving beyond recognition and to ensure your site stays at the top of the search results for years and years.

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